Sunday, September 27, 2009


I'm changing forcus for a second, switching from posting poems to the other source of inspiration: books.  I'll be the first to admit that books are like crack for me, specifically the Star Wars brand.  Just the feeling of reading a book, watching a world explode around you, diving into another person's insane Wonderland and not knowing exactly what will be on the next page is exilerating.

Recently (against my better judgement and with protest from homework) I read Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol".  I won't spoil this but it has weaved together the speed and feel of Angel's and Demons with the skepticism of Da Vinci Code.

Set in present day Washington DC, Robert Langdon is once again thrown into a world of symbolism, shady history and life and death situations.  I won't spoil the plot, but this is one of the best Brown's written.

One of the things about this author's approach to writing I like is the weaving of fact with fiction and maintaining a skeptical protagonist as a parallel with those who believe that Dan Brown is merely writing from a Conspiracy Theorist standpoint. 

1 comment:

WES said...

I agree with you about dan browns writing. He can weave fact with fiction in a way that will really draw you in. He may not write the best books in the world but he keeps you entertained and for the most part keeps you wanting more.