Monday, November 23, 2009


So, without getting right into the meat of the review, I planned to have this mini review and retrospect up a full hour ago...that was until I realized that 2012 was 2 and 1/2 hours long instead of 1 and a half. 

First thing's first, spoilers will be involved within this post. 

Obviously 2012 is centered around the superstition and fear that the world will end on 12-21-12 according to the Mayan Calendar.  The plot follows John Cusack and his family around the world as biblical destruction that would make Michael Bay jealous wash across the world (literally).  The point in the movie that hooked me was when the Yellowstone supervolcano erupted.  Now given that this is a disaster movie, the effects and mithos around Yellowstone are a bit construed, but the sheer impact and causality of the eruption were spot on (save for the fact that the pyroclastic flow would not reach DC, let alone destroy Pittsburg before Las Vegas...)

I was also drawn to this because I have been working for over a year (off and on sadly) on a post-eruption world following a man and a young girl struggling to make thier way from California to Seattle during and after Yellowstone's eruption.  As this is an uncompleted work and is still recieving tweaks, I won't be publishing the opening chapter here. 

Here are some quick facts about the forthcoming Yellowstone Eruption I have collected in my own research for those interested to see if the movie got it right.

  • The Yellowstone Caldera, or Yellowstone Valley sits directly above the super volcano magma chamber.  This allows for all the geysers and Old Faithful to shoot off.
  • When the eruption happens, the pyroclastic flow will consume a 500 mile radius from anywhere to 3 feet to many hundred feet of ash.
    • Cheyenne, Denver, Billings, Salt Lake, Reno and quite possibly Las Vegas would be washed aside.
  • The ash cloud (not the pyroclastic flow) would hit the East Coast within a day, while it would take a number of weeks to strike the West Coast.   The only way it could reach the West Coast is by the air current.  This means that the Ash cloud would span the world.
  • It's theorized that this ash cloud "could" trigger a rapid drop in temp, possibly creating a new ice age.

Monday, November 16, 2009


The spell of words is passing away
To view, to type, to die
To witness the the ink bleed dry.

The harshness and sting of the page
Scrapping beneath the Divine's creation
The words so slowly defined, unique to the penstrokes baine.

To feel or to loafe
Would you take moments to praise a fallen Elm
or chastize the torn normality.

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Scribes

Glass panels sweeping guard above the penitent chasm
twinkling snow drops glisten beneath the unreal city
Devote of instilled aura.

For whom the fisher king cries, hollow silences answers.
Palaces, sanctuaries, graveyards of concrete
A man is a man is a child is a seed
Clutching a branch of regality
While life transcends the fjords of waste.

The hand dips low to blemish the abashed land.
A new man waits, hope dwindles limp from the line, to illuminate the shadows
As missionaries preach the books
of William
of Charles
of Stein
of Dante

Dive through the fog of enlightenment and spring force the desire of paradise.